Find a quiet place to sit

Find a quiet place to sit … and list some common objections to buying from you.

Some time spent, quietly thinking about how things could possibly work better for you, is well worth it.

Some time spent, quietly thinking about how things could possibly work better for you, is well worth it.

Just list the first ones that come to mind to start. They should be the most common.

Then ask;

  • How do you respond to these? How could you respond to these?

  • How would you like to respond to them if things were different? What is a better answer you could give if you were in a position to say that?

  • How would you need to change how you operate to be able to provide that as an argument to buy from you?

Could you be easier to deal with? Take more risk out of the purchasing decision for your customer? Add more value? Commit to a day and time to deliver? Have something in stock, ready to go? Offer something for free as a trial to see if they like what you do? Call a referee immediately to vouch for you or answer a question? Tell your customer about disadvantages of other products or businesses that they are not aware of?

“Client Conversion” sits in level 1 of the ‘Fix This Next’ methodology - SALES

“Client Conversion” sits in level 1 of the ‘Fix This Next’ methodology - SALES

Just think this over. Do you have decent responses? Or do you perhaps need to change the way you operate? Or find out more about things so you can answer more effectively?

This is not necessarily rocket science but it will take some time. Start today. Devote the time. Make a short list of common objections.